Ontario Geardo is on Facebook!

Hey guys, I finally got my account set up the way that I want, with a web address that isn't 762 characters long. My focus is still going to be this blog, but since it seems that everyone under the sun is on Facebook, I figure it’s a good way for you to get a heads up on blog updates instead of checking from time to time. As well, I will post deals on gear that I stumble upon, events that I find interesting, as well as pictures from adventures that aren’t quite long enough to be blog posts.

So if you’re interested in following the last blogger in the world to get a Facebook page, please visit facebook.com/ontariogeardo

Perroz Designs Reflective DFQ Patch

With the recent news of the requirements of headlamps and reflective PT belts or strobes for GORUCK events, I figure it’d be good to pass along the info that a few of you have requested in regards to the reflective DFQ (Don't Fucking Quit) patch that I wore during class 981 in Toronto. The patch is made with high quality cordura with the option of pretty much every camo pattern available from Multicam to Kryptek Madrake. DFQ is laser cut, and has a reflective backing.